created by Fred “Fritz” Scherz, Jr., Councilman on the Verona Town
Board in Verona, NY is May 24, 2019. The scholarship will be in the
amount of $250 and will be awarded by Fritz to a Town of Verona, New York
student who is on track to graduate from 12th
grade at a high school (public or private) or home school by June 30,
2019. Additionally, the student must have lived in the
Town of Verona, New York since at least December 1, 2018 and must be
voluntarily engaged in community service or must
have created a community project.
“I’m reminding students from
the Town of Verona of the deadline, as I am hopeful quite a few will apply for
the scholarship,” said
Scherz. “As in previous years, I’ve received inquiries about the
scholarship, so I’m looking forward to receiving the
applications and finding out about all the good things that local students are
doing in the community.”
To view the complete rules and to get an application
for the Fred Scherz Sr. Memorial Scholarship for Volunteer Community
Service, go to: For more information on Fritz, go to:,
his Twitter feed
his blog at:, or
call: (315) 363-3509. Again, the deadline to
apply is May 24, 2019.
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